Friday, June 1, 2007

Super secret post ahead: please don't read

Did you know the average life span of a fly is 24 hours? That's it! 24 hours to experience the world. Eat food, go to school, avoid frogs, get married, have babies, eat food, get your 100 contact lenses refilled, find the meaning of life. To me, this if fascinating. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? It makes you wonder: Do flies get made fun of by their friends if they are still virgins at 9am?

I've wanted to start a blog for a while. Not because I think it will be informative or thought provoking. Not because it will be insightful or funny. Not because it's a great outlet to vent.*

I'm starting this because I'm a professional writer, but I never write.

I come up with the best way to tell sports stories, where they belong in a show, and with what other stories they should they be adjacent to. I write packages, and vo/sots, and vosotvos, and sotvosotvos. I write highights, graphics, and some of the cheesiest puns you can wrap your brain around. I enjoy doing it very much. But it's all within the context of my job.

I've never been one to write just for the hell of it. I'm not a journal guy. Frankly, I'm not sure how many true "journal people" there are left out there.

My friend's ex-girlfriend has an online journal. I've never read it, but I hear it's priceless. Does anybody else see the contradiction in posting the most personal pieces of your life on the world wide web? It's absurd.

No pretend privacy here. I want people to read this, and most importantly, I want people to respond with thoughts of their own.

People are funny. Stupid people are really funny. Most of the world is pretty funny. There are dozens of moments it causes me laugh to myself every day. So instead of forgetting these instances minutes after they happen, I'll now keep a running log.

A blog log. Although that's redundant. Kind of like ATM machine.

See ya soon, just after the fly on my wall has a mid-day crisis**.

*I hope it can still provide all of these things

**I love footnotes. I will continue to use them for no apparent reason.


Unknown said...

Did you know that a fly can also not see fowards? This is why they frequently run into walls or straight into your head. If one were to try and be like Mr. Miagi he would clearly have to attack the fly from the front where he is blind. Man it sucks to be a fly.

Nicole said...


Anonymous said...

When a bat stands up, does all the blood rush to his feet?